George Snow
Sample Coordinator
As a Sample Coordinator, George loves supporting the HDG team throughout the creative process. They enjoy the satisfaction of helping clients make informed decisions about the wide variety of products HDG Building Materials has to offer. Everyday is an opportunity to help someone make their design dreams come true!
Dream Superpower: Speak all languages fluently
Favorite Place to Get Lost: A mossy forest, preferably near waterfalls
Person From History I’d Like to Meet: David Lynch
Dream House Must Have: Stained glass windows
If I Were a Bird I’d be a: Nightingale
Hidden Talent: I’m the lead singer/songwriter of a rock band
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Collin Swigart
Sample Coordinator
I’m Collin Swigart, Sample Coordinator for HDG. I love creative problem solving and working in a team environment where everyone has a voice and gets to collaborate together. I enjoy learning about the creative solutions our HDG designers come up with for each unique project. Born and raised in Northwest Oregon I have a passion for all kinds of sports from American football to Australian cricket, I’m a natural competitor at heart and always strive to put my best foot forward.
Dream Superpower: Teleportation
Favorite Place to Get Lost: Sporting events
Person From History I’d Like to Meet: Charles Dickens
If I Were a Bird I’d be a: Pigeon
Dream House Must Have: Man cave
Hidden Talent: Cooking homemade enchiladas
Ashley Evans
Outside Architectural Sales Rep
I enjoy connecting with and helping people, being challenged, and using my brain for problem solving and creative solutions. Here at HDG I get to do all of these things. And, if I had to pick my favorite part about joining the HDG Team it’s the people on this team.
Dream Superpower: Time Travel
Favorite Place to Get Lost: SketchUp 3d
Person From History I’d Like to Meet: Leonardo da Vinci
Favorite Holiday: Fall Back 🙂
Dream House Must Have: A pack of 10 dogs, 3 Nigerian dwarf goats named Tom Brady, Michael Jordan and Nolan Ryan, and as many other animals as possible
Hidden Talent:Communicating with teenagers
Kaela Chicas
Administrative Sales Assistant
I’ve been in the logistics and supply industry since 2014, where I worked alongside HDG for 2 years before getting the opportunity to work for them as Administrative Sales Assistant. I love that every day is a new challenge, from simple to complex projects, I’m happy to be a part of helping those designs come to life, from the beautiful sunny Arizona!
Dream Superpower: Teleportation so I can see the world, or time travel!
Favorite Place to Get Lost: California, theme parks, and camping.
Sports: I don’t watch them but I do play soccer and softball, and also wakeboard, wake surf, snowboard, and mountain bike.
If I Were An Animal I’d Be: Night owl
Dream House Must Have: A big yard with lots of plants and flowers – I love hosting backyard dinners with some lawn games. Or land so I can have cows. I’m a big animal lover.
Hidden Talent: I take ping pong very competitively 🙂
Jillian Bernstein
Administrative Sales Assistant
Jillian has been co-owner and co-founder of two deck-building and contracting businesses previous to working with HDG. She enjoys representing a company that provides not only beautiful but also functional materials, and she feels that HDG has a positive impact on the construction industry by providing alternative materials that take sustainability into consideration. She enjoys working with HDG’s nationwide clientele and providing exemplary customer service.
Dream Superpower: Laundry Vaporization Ability
Favorite Place to Get Lost: Various global locations for vast amounts of time.
Favorite Book / Movie: The Princess Bride. I can quote it almost verbatim. Inconceivable!
If I Were An Animal I’d Be: An otter because no matter what they do they still have fun.
Secret Hobby: I can knit a mean afghan.
Dream House Must Have: A giant garden and some animals. But preferably not in the house.
Hidden Talent: Artist
Liz Koch
Administrative Sales Assistant
Liz graduated from Washington State University and spent many years serving communities in need of social services. She now works for HDG to provide nationwide clientele with sustainable, cost-effective products and solutions for various private, community, and commercial spaces.
Dream Superpower: Mary Poppins’ cleaning power
Favorite Place to Get Lost: Target…or a book
People From History I’d Like to Meet: Maya Angelou and Fred Rogers
Dream House Must Have: A large open kitchen
If I Were an Animal I’d Be: A fat, fluffy house cat
Secret Hobby: Writing
Favorite Book / TV / Movie: Harry Potter #teamHufflepuff and Golden Girls #teamSophia
Favorite Music: More Metallica and Lizzo, please.
Ethan Roberts
Sales Assistant
I graduated from Oregon State University in 2014 and have had the privilege to live all over the country since. I have settled in the greater Portland area and am getting to reconnect with lots of friends from college. I’ve found a true home here at HDG and am loving being able to help people build their dream outdoor areas or help companies/businesses build amazing outdoor areas for future residents/patrons!
Favorite Place to Get Lost: DisneyWorld
Dream House Must Have: Chef’s Kitchen
If I Were a Animal I’d be: An Elephant
Hidden Talent: Ability to make people laugh.
Secret Hobby: Golf
Favorite Book / Movie: Any Harry Potter or Marvel movie
Sports: Watch all sports and play soccer and football when I can.
Taylor Olifiers
Sales Administrative Assistant
Taylor graduated from the University of Alabama in 2020 and moved to Portland, OR with her partner and pup, mid-pandemic, to pursue a career in law. After working as a paralegal for shortly over a year, Taylor realized it wasn’t the right fit. She discovered HDG and decided to change career paths. Working with others as part of a team is a strength she prides herself in, and HDG’s commitment to teamwork is her favorite aspect of the job. She loves working with the HDG team to creatively and effectively assist clients in designing and furnishing the project of their dreams.
Dream Superpower: Invisibility
Dream House Must Have: Kitchen island with built-in dog water and food bowls.
Secret Hobby: I am obsessed with houseplants!
Hidden Talent: I can still perform a double-axel jump from my competitive figure skating days.
Passion: Powerlifting/bodybuilding
Favorite Book / Movie: The Girl on the Train. I’m a psychological thriller/crime junkie.
Sports: Watching Alabama football. ROLL TIDE!
Dick Harris
Sample Coordinator
I spent my formative years growing up in Tucson, AZ. After graduating from the University of Arizona with a major in Horticulture, I went to work for the Arizona Dept. of Agriculture. Five years later I was Assistant Director for Plant Quarantine. I was later selected as the Director of the newly created Weights and Measures Dept. Needing a change, my wife and I moved to Portland where I started my own landscape business. After a few years I made the move to working inside. I worked in manufacturing and warehousing, shipping and receiving, inventory, purchasing and as a manager.
Dream Superpower: X-ray Vision
Favorite Place to Get Lost: Disneyland
Person From History I’d Like to Meet: Richard the Lionheart (My 43rd great uncle!)
Secret Hobby: Watching YouTube
If I Were An Animal I’d Be: An Eagle (My Native American spirit animal)
Hidden Talent: Perfect pitch
Favorite Music: Two Steps From Hell (two guys who compose movie music)
Jay Ashland
Sales Manager
I started at HDG as a part-time sample coordinator hoping to earn extra money and wound up leaving my day job to join the HDG team full-time as sales manager. I love helping our clients work through complex design challenges while elevating their understanding of what’s possible.
Dream Superpower: Time Travel
Favorite Place to Get Lost: Somewhere that’s either way too hot, or way too cold.
Dream House Must Have: Vaulted ceilings
If I Were An Animal I’d Be: A Mantis shrimp
Favorite Book / Movie: Ender’s Game / Moana
Hidden Talent: Technical Minecraft (very secret)
Favorite Music: Musical Theater – Hamilton. Wicked. Beetlejuice. In that order.
Memorable Vacation: I once hammocked my way across Costa Rica.
Erik Nelson
As Founder and Managing Partner of HDG Building Materials, Erik is responsible for HDG business development and vendor relationships. He has a Master’s in Landscape Architecture, lived and worked in China for three years, designing and building golf courses for Jack Nicklaus, managed the construction of the national-award-winning Portland Chinese Garden, and founded an architectural building stone company in 2000. Erik speaks Chinese and has 20+ years of combined design, construction, and international logistics experience.
Dream Superpower: Hyperpolyglot
Person From History I’d Like to Meet: Socrates
Dream House Must Have: Multiple Decks and View Terraces 🙂
If I Were an Animal I’d Be: A Dolphin
Hidden Talent: Chinese (conversational)
Worst Song Lyric Interpretation: “A wiener-wrap, a wiener-wrap….a wiener-wrap, a wiener-wrap…in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleep’s tonight” — or “A reverend in blue jeans”.
Angie Bagg
Angie has worked in residential and commercial construction prior to working with Erik and starting HDG Building Materials. One thing Angie enjoys about HDG is that the company is not simply looked upon as a supplier of innovative materials but that many times HDG becomes part of the design process, providing solutions to all types of clients including architects.
Dream Superpower: Time Traveler
Favorite Place to Get Lost: Anywhere outside as long as it’s warm.
Favorite Book / Movie: Harry Potter Series
Secret Hobby: I can’t tell you…
Dream House Must Have: As long as it was located along a small river or stream and had some views of the mountains, I’d be good 🙂
If I Were An Animal I’d Be: An Eagle
Sports: I love playing soccer and watching USWNT Soccer. Played college basketball and still dream of being able to dunk someday.
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