Tiger Yellow Granite
HDG’s Tiger Yellow Granite originates from partner quarries in China. It is sometimes referred to as Tiger Skin Yellow Granite. This stone is extremely versatile in its applications and appearance. Tiger yellow granite is very resistant to weathering. As an igneous rock, it is hard for water to penetrate. This property, combined with its very slow erosion when exposed to the elements gives projects that use it a very long life. As with other granite, Tiger Yellow is among the hardest of natural materials making it resistant to scratching, cracking, and chipping. Applying proper finishes and seals can further protect and prolong projects that utilize this remarkable stone.
Best Uses
Use Tiger Yellow for indoor or outdoor applications. This stone is equally good for floor and wall applications. It is often used in water features, stairs, monuments, wall capping, benches, and other design projects.
Outdoor Surface Applications
Granite stone flooring is suitable for any weather condition. It can handle any level of pedestrian traffic and with the proper thickness, this stone will even hold up to vehicle traffic. For applications requiring slip resistance such as granite pavers and flooring applications, HDG partner factories will apply a sandblasted, flamed and brushed, or percussive finishes such as pineapple, lychee, adze, or scored surface finish to the stone surface.
Tiger Yellow Granite is available in a variety of sizes from small cobblestone to large monumental blocks and practically any size plank or slab.
Color Variation
V4, Color Variation Explained