Contrast adds visual appeal to design. Contrast can be achieved by varying color, texture, size, and shape of stone in building and landscape design.
Selecting Stone Finishes
Selecting finishes for your natural stone project can be overwhelming. Let HDG’s resident stone expert Erik Nelson smooth your project and ease your mind.
Buzon Pedestals BIM Objects Published
HDG Building Materials is pleased to announce Buzon adjustable pedestals have been turned into BIM objects available on CADdetails.
Bluestone Porcelain Pavers
Traditional Pennsylvania Bluestone is now available as bluestone porcelain pavers. Choose from HDG Kaia Blue with cleft finish or HDG Penn Blue with flamed finish. Many sizes are available.
Porcelain Pavers Sizes Demystified
This article demystifies the meaning of tiles being metric and rectified. This makes it easier for architects, designers, and specifiers to navigate the many choices of porcelain pavers sizes.
Resysta for Rainscreen Applications Gives Additional Benefits
Resysta siding for rainscreen applications provides architects, building owners, and eventual occupants with additional benefits over traditional products.