Architects, designers and landscape professionals can choose from 2cm or 3cm thick porcelain pavers. Which one to use depends upon your application requirements.
Porcelain Pavers
Sloped Surface Design uses HDG Grating Panels
This sloped surface design uses Buzon pedestals and HDG grating panels to smoothly transition the pedestrian plaza between the building entrance and the public sidewalk grade.
Bluestone Porcelain Pavers
Traditional Pennsylvania Bluestone is now available as bluestone porcelain pavers. Choose from HDG Kaia Blue with cleft finish or HDG Penn Blue with flamed finish. Many sizes are available.
Porcelain Pavers Sizes Demystified
This article demystifies the meaning of tiles being metric and rectified. This makes it easier for architects, designers, and specifiers to navigate the many choices of porcelain pavers sizes.
Hospital Design Features Outdoor Patios and Gardens
The Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital expansion included extensive gardens and outdoor spaces for healing. HDG Building Materials supplied Buzon pedestals and porcelain pavers.
Stone-Look Porcelain Roofdeck – Seattle, WA
This roof top deck uses stone look porcelain pavers with a course slate finish installed over Buzon pedestals.
Services – More Than Meets the Eye
Design better hospitality experiences on rooftop decks using a pedestal paver system to hide utility service lines below the decking surface.